Foundation Solutions For Life
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What Can I Expect When United Dynamics Repairs My House?
The following are just a few general questions that you as a homeowner may have about our foundation repair services in Louisville. Each job is unique and has its own challenges. UDI will make every effort to perform all contracted work to your satisfaction. Please ask questions before, during and after the job. We will be happy to answer your questions. Communication is the key to an issue free experience.
Can I expect my house to be perfectly realigned when the job is done?
Although UDI may attempt to realign the area serviced it cannot be guaranteed that this will happen. Each situation is unique and each structure can react differently to a realignment. UDI will not realign a structure if there seems to be an increased risk of causing further damage to the property. The goal of our foundation repair services in Louisville is to stabilize.
Will I still be able to see the cracks in my masonry, stone, block walls after the job is completed?
UDI will repair visible cracks in the mortar joints of masonry, stone, or block walls as it is needed. However, the mortar used to repair the joints is new and the color will probably be somewhat different from the existing mortar. This condition should improve over time as the new mortar is “weathered”. Also, if the cracks do not close if UDI attempts to restore the structure to its original position, some of the repaired joint may be larger than the surrounding original joints.
What will happen inside my house?
Interior cracks may or may not close when a structure is realigned. Also, any cracks that have been repaired may re-appear as a structure is realigned or new cracks may appear. These things are normal and can be repaired by a drywall or plaster contractor. Doors and windows in the area of repair will be monitored for proper function before and after an attempt to re-align. Any doors or windows not functioning properly may be remedied with the attempted re-alignment, however this is not always the case. Any remaining repairs needed to allow proper operation of a door or window should be made by the proper contractor. UDI does not repair interior cracks in drywall or plaster and does not repair doors or windows that are not corrected by the foundation repair. UDI (or the utility) will be responsible for any line damage that develops as a result of our foundation repair services in Louisville.
What will my landscaping and yard look like when the job is done?
UDI will backfill and tamp all excavated areas unless otherwise noted. Deeper excavations and certain soil conditions can make it difficult to backfill areas to the original grade. In these cases the soil may be mounded up at the area of excavation and only time will allow the settlement of the soil back to original grade. In some cases future grading may be required at areas excavated. Our Louisville based residential and commercial foundation repair specialists will remove and replace any plantings but cannot guarantee their survival. UDI suggests a landscape contractor be contacted if there are any plantings or landscape features that need special treatment. UDI may cause some disturbance to the lawn. In those cases UDI will re-seed those areas of the lawn.
UDI had to remove part of my driveway, patio, etc. Will it be repaired?
Unless otherwise stated, our Louisville based residential and commercial foundation repair company will remove only the amount of concrete or asphalt needed to perform the contracted repairs. UDI will replace what it removes. The repaired area will most likely be visible, but should blend in better with time and weathering.